Rain Collides Bridge in Barrobo, as Citizens cry out for repair.

Jun 20, 2024 - 21:32
Jun 20, 2024 - 22:17
 0  86
Rain Collides Bridge in Barrobo, as Citizens cry out for repair.

By: Peter P. Toe Jr.

Barrobo, Maryland County:  The Bridge linking Dorrobo Freedom and Konuso towns have reportedly collided. The incident occurred after a heavy downpour of rain over the weekend.

The bridge according to residents of Dorrobo Freedom and Dorrobo Konuso, was constructed by an NGO (unidentified), years back. As it stands, citizens are finding it difficult to get to nearby towns, posing huge challenges in transporting goods from Karluway to Barrobo districts.

Often, not only goods are bought wholesale from Pleebo, but Ambulances leave the Pleebo Health Center, passing through Karluway, and use the Dorrobo route to access Barrobo for patients.

Since the bridge collided late Thursday evening, June 13, 2024, Citizens and business people constantly using the route have been making several calls to the Legislative caucus and humanitarians to come to their aid, but nor have shown up, not even the Ministry of Public Works, nor local government authorities in the county have made any statement to intervene till press time.

The bridge links Barrobo Statutory and Karluway Statutory Districts. Currently, not even an ambulance is able to get to Barrobo, since the bridge collided, causing serious threat to inhabitants of the area.

Meanwhile, Citizens of Borrabo are calling on the Liberian government, humanitarian organizations, and individuals to swiftly intervene to address the issue.


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Peter P. Toe Jr. I am a young Liberian Journalist, passionate in Investigative, Political and Human-Interest Development While I work for Knewsonline.com/ Kool 91.9FM as Maryland County Correspondent, I am also the Director of News at Voice of Pleebo in rural Liberia. I am eager to learn and open to more opportunities to help explore my journalism career.