Pres. Boakai Breaks Ground for the Construction of a Modern School in Gorlorqhumah, Margibi County

Jun 15, 2024 - 23:06
Jun 15, 2024 - 23:06
 0  92
Pres. Boakai Breaks Ground for the Construction of a Modern School in Gorlorqhumah, Margibi County

By Moses Gibson

Margibi County: H.E President Joseph Nyumah Boakai Sr. has broken Grounds in Gorlorqhumah Clan, Larkay -Ta Township, Margibi County for the Construction of a Modern School.

The Project is in recognition of falling Missionary, Mother Vera A. Stephens of Bethesda Christian Mission School in Liberia.

According to the CEO and Vision bearer, the project when completed, it is gear towards Teaching Christian heritage and moral Education to the future generation of Liberia.

At the program, Margibi County Superintendent Victoria Worlobah Duncan however thanked the Liberian head of state for his support to Margibi, at the same time assured the vision bearer and CEO of the project of Margibi Administration support towards the project.

The Superintendent also called on Residents of Gorlorqhumah Clan Larkay-Ta Township and Margibians in general to take respectful ownership of the provided opportunity.

Moreover, Gorlorqhumah Residents promised to give 25 acres of Land free of charge to President Joseph Nyumah Boakai for Agriculture purpose and the pronouncement was made by former Senator Roland C. Kaine on behalf of the Residents.


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