Pundits Raise Concerns as Pres. Boakai Withdraws Nomination of Cllr. Bobby Livingstone and Two Others

By: Blamo N. Toe/Contributing Writer
In what appears to be an embarrassing situation to some presidential nominees despite his constitutional power to nominate, appoint and dismiss, President Joseph Boakai has withdrawn the nominations of three individuals.
The Liberian Leader recently nominated three Liberians along with many others, two to serve in senior positions and one in junior positions to serve in the national government.
The three nominees include Cllr. Bobby Livingstone - Deputy Information Minister for Public Affairs, Mr. Joseph Cooper -Executive Director-designate of Liberia Refugee, Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) and Adana S. Paye, Assistant Minister for Corrections and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Justice.
Prior to the withdrawal of their nominations by the President, the three individuals had already sat and faced the relevant Senate Committees for their respective confirmation hearings as a normal tradition of that august body.
But in his communication read in the plenary of the Liberian Senate Thursday by the Secretary Nanborlor Singbhe, President Boakai requested that august body to disregard the confirmation hearings of the nominees.
Our legislative reporter said the Liberian Chief Executive failed to state any reason for his decision but maintained that the withdrawal of the three nominees is with immediate effect amid the continuous repeat of such proceedings thus raising concerns on how individuals are nominated and suddenly withdrawn.
However, after the communication of the President was read on the floor, a motion from Maryland County Senator, J. Gbleh-bo Brown was proffered that the letter be received and acted upon by the plenary in session.
In his motion, Senator Brown, who chairs the Senate Committee on Rules, Order and Administration (ROA) stressed that it is the prerogative of the President to do whatever he decides in keeping with his constitutional responsibility.
But in a sharp reaction, Grand Bassa County Senator, Gbehzohngar Findley termed the decision of President Boakai to withdraw previous nominations repeatedly as troubling and embarrassing, thus indicating his amendment to the motion to open the President’s communication for discussion on the floor by fellow senators.
Our reporter said the amendment to the motion was respectfully rejected by the movant, Senator Brown.
Some political pundits, free thinkers and concerned citizens are questioning the President’s over 40 years’ experience in national government with what they termed as his simultaneous mistakes in the first three months in office.
On the flip side of the argument, some citizens and political actors stressed that there is no need for anyone to question the decision of the President for nominating, appointing to or dismissing any citizen from a position in government.
They emphasized that the decision for any sitting President of the Republic to execute any of the aforementioned duties is backed by the 1986 Liberian Constitution, which does not exempt President Boakai.
Meanwhile, one of the nominees, Cllr. Bobby W. Livingstone responding to Boakai a few minutes after his nomination was withdrawn, emphasized that he owes no apologies for his role as a prosecutor in the Gloria Scott case.
“29year-old Charloe Musu [niece of former Chief Justice, Gloria Musu Scott] was murdered. There is no evidence of entry by an intruder,” he stressed in a Facebook post on his page on Thursday, April 4, 2024.
At the same time, the legal luminary thanked the Liberian Leader for the nomination, adding that the (President Boakai) has seen it fit to withdraw the nomination.
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