Employees of Mano Palm Oil Industries Stage Go-Slow Action Over Salary and Labor Disputes

Jul 19, 2024 - 21:18
Jul 19, 2024 - 21:18
 0  27
Employees of Mano Palm Oil Industries Stage Go-Slow Action Over Salary and Labor Disputes

By: William B.L McGill

Employees of Mano Palm Oil Industries Limited have staged a go-slow action in protest against management over salary increments and labor practices. The concession area has seen increased tension as employees demand adherence to agreements made in a resolution with Sime Plantation, which included non-redundancy and maintaining salaries.

John P. Kolleh, chairperson of the aggrieved employees, expressed dissatisfaction with the new management's actions, accusing them of altering the original turnover documents and presenting a fraudulent version to workers and the government. This situation has reportedly led to worsening conditions for employees in Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties.

Kolleh highlighted ongoing issues such as bad labor practices, low salaries, and illegal redundancies. Despite multiple complaints to the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other government officials, employees claim their concerns have not been adequately addressed.

The employees' grievances echo previous protests by workers of the institution’s sister company, Mano Manufacturing Company, who demanded the establishment of a union to address their issues.

Kolleh emphasized the employees' resolve to fight against maltreatment, stating, "We will never sit and allow foreigners to maltreat us in our country because we are the ones doing all of the hard labor while they make thousands of United States Dollars."

The government of Liberia, through various ministries, has investigated the claims but concluded that the management of Mano does not owe the employees. This decision has further frustrated the workers, with Senator Simeon Taylor allegedly stating that the company does not owe them and expressing confidence in his re-election regardless of the workers' discontent.

The management of Mano Oil Palm has requested time to respond to these allegations.

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William B.L. McGill I am William B L McGill, an aspiring Liberian journalist. Having spent a considerable time in the field, I have developed keen interest in human interest stories, health reporting, and entertainment journalism as well For info. Contact: (WhatsApp) +231881056765/ Email: mcgillwilliambl@gmail.com