Andrew Wonplo, Whistleblower Turns Victim

Jan 14, 2024 - 18:33
Jan 14, 2024 - 18:50
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Andrew Wonplo, Whistleblower Turns Victim

 MONROVIA: The embattled Director of Passport & Visas of the Republic of Liberia has written a letter to President elect Amb. Joseph N. Boakai urgently pleading for Protection as a Whistleblower and Witness.


Andrew Wonplo Sr. in a sensitive letter to President elect Boakai, a copy of which is in the possession of states; “Your Excellency, the story of the Liberian passports being misused is an unfinished issue that has triggered the United States Government involvement of which I was wrongly implicated and sanctioned through unscrupulous means masterminded by corrupt individuals (current & former officials) directly linked to the passports scandal in President George Weah’s led government.”


He added “These corrupt individuals coordinated their efforts with certain personnel at the U.S. Embassy near Monrovia during the administration of the 45th U.S. President (Donald J. Trump), which led to me, and my family being sanctioned as has been reported in local and international media outlets’’.


In the two pages communication, Wonplo believes that the evil action of these corrupt individuals was out of fear that he was speaking out and was in the process of arranging a major press conference immediately after the case against him was dismissed, due to the failure of the Government of Liberia (GOL) to provide evidence against him in a court of competent jurisdiction.


“Those that were directly involved with the passport issue had a team set up to kill me as means of preventing me from exposing their ugly and corrupt deals after they knowingly misled the Americans. This unjustifiable action (regarding the team that was organized to kill me) on the part of certain members of the Weah led government, forced me to flee into exile for my safety” Wonplo revealed.


The embattle Passport boss further unveiled in his letter to President elect Joseph Nyumah Boakai that history has several death tours just in a time interval for which the country mourned the death of four auditors, a professional banker (the late Matthew J. Matthew), the death of the three boys allegedly involving the owner of St. Moses Funeral Home, among others saying” Some of these individuals who met their untimely deaths, disagreed with corrupt practices, ‘’like me.”


‘’ I am writing to you today with a heavy heart and a deep sense of responsibility for the truth, justice and eradication of corruptions that you and your administration stand for and for our great nation, Liberia. My purpose in reaching out to you is to seek your assistance and protection as I prepare to come forward as a whistleblower and witness in a matter of utmost importance to our motherland.”


Below is a full text of Mr. Wonplo’s letter to Amb. Joseph Boakai.

Mr. Andrew D. Wonplo, Sr.
Director of Passport & Visas (Currently Under Suspension)
Republic of Liberia (R.L.)

January 11, 2024

His Excellency Joseph N. Boakai
Office of the President-Elect
Monrovia, Liberia

Subject: Urgent Plea for Protection as a Whistleblower and Witness
Your Excellency President-Elect Boakai:

Compliments! I thank God Almighty, the Author and Sustainer of Life, for His continuous protection and guidance. I am humbled and pleased to expropriate this opportunity to congratulate you on your victory in the recent presidential election of the Republic of Liberia.

I am Andrew D. Wonplo Sr., Embattled Director of Passport and Visas, R.L.

Your Excellency, the story of the Liberian passports being misused is an unfinished issue that has triggered the United States Government involvement of which I was wrongly implicated and sanctioned through unscrupulous means masterminded by corrupt individuals (current & former officials) directly linked to the passports scandal in President George Weah’s led government.

These corrupt individuals coordinated their efforts with certain personnel at the U.S. Embassy near Monrovia during the administration of the 45th U.S. President (Donald J. Trump), which led to me, and my family being sanctioned as has been reported in local and international 
media outlets.

 I believe that the nefarious action of these corrupt individuals was out of fear that I was speaking out and was in the process of arranging a major press conference immediately after the case against me was dismissed, due to the failure of the Government of Liberia (GOL) to provide evidence against me in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Consequently, I decided to speak out against the unwarranted action taken against me and my family. And those that were directly 
involved with the passport issue had a team set up to kill me as a means of preventing me from exposing their ugly and corrupt deals after they knowingly misled the Americans.

This unjustifiable action (regarding the team that was organized to kill me) on the part of certain members of the Weah led government, forced me to flee into exile for my safety.

Your Excellency, history has several death tours just in that time interval for which our country mourned the death of four auditors, a professional banker (the late Matthew J. Matthew), the death 
of the three boys allegedly involving the owner of St. Moses Federal Home, just to name a few. 

Some of these individuals who met their untimely deaths, disagreed with corrupt practices, like 

I am writing to you today with a heavy heart and a deep sense of responsibility for the truth, justice
and eradication of corruptions that you and your administration stand for and for our great nation, 

My purpose in reaching out to you is to seek your assistance and protection as I prepare to come forward as a whistleblower and witness in a matter of utmost importance to our motherland.

I have long been a dedicated public servant, committed to upholding the values of honesty, transparency, and accountability that are the bedrock of our democratic system.

However, the information that has come into my possession is both shocking and deeply troubling, revealing a 
web of corruption and malfeasance that demands immediate attention. Over the course of my tenure, I have become privy to evidence of significant wrongdoing at the highest levels of government, implicating individuals whose actions betray the trust of the Liberian people. This 
information pertains to matters that have far-reaching consequences for our nation's progress, stability, and the overall well-being of our citizens.
I am fully aware of the risks involved in bringing such matters to light, and it is with this understanding that I humbly request your support and protection. My decision to step forward is fueled by a genuine desire to see justice served and our nation cleansed of corruption.

However, I am cognizant of the potential personal and professional repercussions that may follow. Your Excellency, I believe in the strength and resilience of our institutions, and I trust that, with your guidance, we can ensure a fair and impartial investigation into the allegations I am prepared to testify about.

I have been and I am willing to cooperate fully with any law enforcement agencies or judicial bodies involved and am committed to providing any necessary evidence to aid in the pursuit of justice.

I seek your assurance that appropriate measures will be taken to safeguard my well-being and that of my family. As a loyal citizen, I place my trust in your leadership to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and protection for those who choose to speak truth to power.

I am ready to meet with you (or the head of your Justice Ministry) at your earliest convenience to provide a detailed account of the information I possess and to discuss the best course of action 
moving forward. Your intervention in this matter is not only crucial for my safety but also for the greater good of Liberia.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and most importantly, for your unwavering commitment to the ideals that make Liberia a beacon of hope in our region.

I can be contacted via WhatsApp, Cell Number: +231-555-835-771

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Andrew D. Wonplo, Sr.
(Embattled Director of Passport & Visas, RL)


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