Liberia Election Result: NEC's Progressive Tally Results Favor Ex-Vice President Boakai Over Incumbent Pres. Weah in Runoff Elections 

Nov 16, 2023 - 20:57
 0  346
Liberia Election Result: NEC's Progressive Tally Results Favor Ex-Vice President Boakai Over Incumbent Pres. Weah in Runoff Elections 
Incumbent Pre. George Weah, Left, Ex-VP Joseph Boakai Right
MONROVIA: The National Election Commission (NEC) has announced the second batch of preliminary results of the just-ended runoff election favoring Liberia's Ex-Vice President Joseph Boakai (Unity Party) over incumbent President George Weah (Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).  
The November 16, 2023 results favor UP with an increment in margin of 16,221 votes over the CDC.

Out of the 5,107 of 5,890 polling places reported from 14 counties excluding Gbarpolu County, opposition UP obtained 712,741 constituting 50.58% followed by the CDC with 696,520 constituting 49.42%.
The results on Thursday show that the opposition UP won six counties including Montserrado, Nimba, Lofa, Margibi,  Bomi, and Grand Cape Mount.

On the flip side, the ruling CDC is maintaining dominance in the South Eastern region winning Maryland, Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh, River Cess, Sinoe, River Gee, and Grand Bassa Counties. 
Note: these results are being announced in a peaceful atmosphere without signs of violence.
See the official breakdown of the progressive tally results as of November 16, 2023

Polling places _ 171 of 171 = 100%
UP_  23,359 =   59.62%
CDC _ 15,820 = 40.38%

Polling places _555 of 555 = 100 %
CDC _72,159  = 52.92%
UP_ 64,194 =  47.08%

Polling places _   of 134  =  %
UP_        =    
CDC _    =    

Grand Cape Mount
Polling places _ 189 of 213 = 88.73%
UP_ 21,244 =  51.43%
CDC _  20,060 = 48.57%

Grand Bassa
Polling places_  216 of 405 = 53.33%
CDC _  24,045 =   50.52%
UP_   23,548  = 49.48%

Grand Gedeh
Polling places _  129 of 163 =  79.14
CDC _  29847 = 89.40%
UP_   3,538   =  10.60%

Grand Kru
Polling places _  82 of 110 = 74.55 %
CDC _   20,012=   89.32%
UP_  2,394   =    10.86%

Polling places _ 424 of 424 = 100%
UP_ 75,373 = 64.64%    
CDC _41,298 = 35.40%        

Polling places _ 441 of 441 = 100 %
UP_ 64,116   = 53.99%
CDC _ 54,676 =  46.01%

Polling places _174  of 175 = 99.43%
CDC _    35,328 =  83.36%
UP_   7,050   =  16.64%

Polling places  1801 of 2008 = 89.69%  
UP_   299,098 = 51.37%
CDC _ 283,174 = 48.63%

Polling places _  518 of 736 =  78.80%
UP_ 109,694 = 71.57%
CDC _ 43,564 28.43%

Polling places _  92 of  105 = 87.62%
CDC _ 13,602 = 73.77%
UP_  4,835 = 26.23%

River Gee
Polling places _ 97 of 98 =98.98%
CDC _  18,587   =79.90%
UP_      4,675  =  20.10 %

Polling places  114 of 152 = 75%
CDC _ 19,841= 83.33%
UP_ 3,968  =  16.67%

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