Students Holds Debate on War and Economic Crimes Court Establishment

Apr 13, 2024 - 12:47
Apr 13, 2024 - 12:48
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Students Holds Debate on War and Economic Crimes Court Establishment

By: Emmanuel Kanga

Margibi County: Following the most talk about War and Economic Crimes Courts in Liberia, Voices Liberia in Partnership with NAYMOTE-Liberia introduces a motion among Liberian students in Margibi and Montserrado Counties.

United Dawah Umah High School of Montserrado oppose to the motion “This House will require the Liberian Senate not to pass the War and Economic Crimes Courts into law “against St. Pius X Catholic High School of Margibi who defended the motion.

The Thursday, April 11, 2024 academic battle between the two schools was the grand-final of the Margibi Religion Debate Championship season #7 leaving United Dawah Umah High School been crowned as the champions.

United Dawah Umah High School of Montserrado County is the defending Champions of the National Debate Championship going against Margibi Regional Debate Championship immediate champions, St. Pius X Catholic School who defeated the Firestone School System in the semi-final.

The Winner took delivery a cash prize of seventy thousand Liberian Dollars (L$70,000) while runner-up St. Pius X Catholic High School received forty thousand Liberian Dollars (L$40,000).

Speaking to our Lower Margibi Correspondent, Voices Liberia Executive Director, J. Enoch Godsend Brooks thanked the over twenty-five schools that participated in the 7th edition of MRDC; expresses explicit conference in his team to introduce the 8th edition of the Margibi Religion Debate Championship in 2025.

Mr. Brooks added that he hope to have more schools from Montserrado and other Counties.

" Our season #8 will introduce more High Schools from Montserrado, Bong and Grand Bassa Counties.

This year season for the first time introduced four high schools from Montserrado with over twenty high schools from Margibi County."

When asked as to what the team chose said motion, Mr. Brooks replies, " The War and Economic Crimes Courts are the most trending issues and as such school going pupils need to get a proper understanding through researches and articulating themselves ''.

He named: Cheeyee Hope foundation, Liberia National Student Union, NAYMOTE-Liberia, Dr. Henrique Marcus Spear, Mr. Thur Siakeh, Chris Carlos and Mr. Peter Howard, Sr. as proud Sponsors of the Margibi Religion Debate Championship season #7.

The 7th edition of MRDC is under the theme: Say it using the extraordinary power of words for national development.

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