Suasu Residents in Marlyland Plead for Safe Drinking Water

Nov 21, 2023 - 08:13
Nov 21, 2023 - 08:13
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Suasu Residents in Marlyland Plead for Safe Drinking Water
The residents fetch water from a nearby creek for drinking in Suasu Township , a possible source of waterborne disease
SUASU, Maryland: People living in Suasu Township are said to be in dying need of safe drinking water. Suasu is a town with over 800 inhabitants, situated in Karluway District, Maryland County.
                                                                                   By: Peter P. Joe Jr/Maryland 

Town Chief of Suasu, Charles C. Toe, told our reporter that the only hand pump in the town which lasted for years got damaged two years ago.

Town Chief of Suasu, Charles C. Toe

Since then, there has been no renovation on the pump, a reason he said is causing everyone living in the town to drink from Creeks and running waters.

Chief Toe maintained that despite requests made to all candidates in the 2023 elections who have gone to campaign in the town, to construct a safe drinking water facility in the town, all efforts yielded no positive fruit.

"We had a pump here. But the pump has been down for two years now." Chief Charles Toe noted.

Assistant Town Chief Harriton Kwarbo
For his part, Suasu's Assistant Town Chief Harriton Kwarbo named diarrhea, and cholera amongst others as major diseases daily, which affect residents, especially pregnant women and young babies.

He pointed out that when critical health conditions arise in the town, residents are always responsible for taking the patient to Karloken Health Center located in Karloken City, about an hour's walk distance from Suasu.

Mr. Kwarbo is however calling on the Liberian Government through its local authorities, and other humanitarians to reach their aid.

"For us, we don't have safe drinking water here. We drink from the creek, which is not safe for us. So we go down with a running stomach, diarrhea, and others. We are calling on the government and everyone who is listening to this interview to help us." He pleaded.

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