Youths and Drug Smokers Demand Government Support for Rehabilitation Centers

Jan 25, 2024 - 08:17
Jan 25, 2024 - 08:18
 0  77
Youths and Drug Smokers Demand Government Support for Rehabilitation Centers

 Paynesville, Liberia: In a bid to address the growing wave of drug addiction among youth and adults in Liberia, several disadvantaged youths and drug smokers in Paynesville are urging the government of President Joseph Boakai to establish rehabilitation centers across the country in order to cater to their needs.

Their demand comes as a result of the escalating drug abuse problem, which has been distressing the community for years. The dominance of drug addiction among the youths and adults in Paynesville has reached alarming levels, with disturbing consequences for individuals, families, and the community at large.

Many young people have fallen victim to the negative cycle of substance abuse, leading to broken dreams, shattered families, and a decline in social cohesion.

Substance and drug abuse in Liberia is a major contributing factor to the destruction of many children, young men and women. Eventually, this is leading to an increase in criminal activities because these youth who are mostly unemployed, are engaged in criminal activities to support their hobbies.

The trigger down effect is on the guilt-free population that suffers the most from varying unlawful acts exhibited by substance abusers including the smashing of personal belongings, scams, theft, among others.

According to the Liberian Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) report back in 2022, there are approximately 355 ghettos in Montserrado County alone. Of the 355, 88 new ghettos were added in 2022. It is recorded that 60% of the ghettos are permanent and 40% are make-shifts.

From observation, there is an increase in the number of ghettos during the dry season because most drug-addicted people use wetlands to establish temporary ghettos.

Recognizing the urgent need for intervention, a group of youths and drug smokers have voice their concerns and demand government action.

They added that the establishment of rehabilitation centers will specifically be designed to address their unique challenges in breaking the cycle of addiction and providing them with necessary support to rebuild their lives.

One of the key issues highlighted by the group is the lack of accessible and affordable rehabilitation facilities in Paynesville. Currently, individuals seeking help for drug addiction often face significant barriers, including limited resources, long waiting lists, and the absence of specialized treatment centers.

 As a result, many are left without the necessary support to overcome their addiction and reintegrate into society.

Speaking on behalf of the group, John Doe [not his real name], a former drug addict turned advocate, emphasized the importance of providing a safe and supportive environment for recovery.  He stated, "We need rehabilitation centers that can cater to our specific needs, offering counseling, therapy, and vocational training to help us reintegrate into society as productive citizens. Without these facilities, we are left to fend for ourselves, trapped in a cycle of addiction." The call for government intervention is not without merit.

By investing in such facilities, the Liberian government can not only help individuals recover but also contribute to the overall well-being and development of the community.

These centers will provide comprehensive treatment programs, including counseling, detoxification, vocational training, and aftercare support.

Additionally, community outreach programs and awareness campaigns should be implemented to educate the public about the dangers of drug abuse and the available resources for recovery.

As Liberia strives to overcome the challenges posed by drug addiction, the collective efforts of the government, civil society organizations, the Media and communities will be essential in providing a brighter future for the disadvantaged youths and drug smokers.

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